The MAURER team regularly attends specialist events, symposia and trade fairs around the main topics of construction dynamics, bridge construction, seismic protection, etc.
Structural Isolation
Isolation against microseismic vibrations in vertical and horizontal direction through spring boxes with/without dampers for isolation systems with tuning frequencies from 2.5 Hz onwards.
MAURER Lead Rubber Bearings (MLRB) are seismic devices designed as a combination of a conventional elastomeric bearing with inserted lead cylinders. While the elastomeric bearing mainly
Seismic Joints
With the swivel joist with integrated Fuse Box, the expansion joints accommodates all displacements from service load cases, however, not all seismic displacements. In case of seismic closing
Triple system protecting railroad bridge in Greece
… Domokos. A well-matched combination of large hydraulic dampers (MHDs), sliding isolation pendulums (SIP-S) and shear keys (HKEs) protects the new railroad bridge SG26 in Greece against seismic-induced damages,…