Architectural Joints

MAURER Architectural Joints are versatile, cost-efficient and easy to install. Architectural joints include floor, wall, column, parking and landscape joints. They are unobtrusive, have a unique anchoring system and can be quickly installed. Multiple-profile systems particularly for pedestrian areas feature sufficient flexibility and are capable of moving in any direction. Expansion joints with cover plates made of aluminum or stainless steel in pedestrian areas are suitable for large to very large seismic movements.

Key characteristics of MAURER Expansion Joints for buildings:

  • Esthetically appealing
  • Design individually adjustable to the structure
  • Movable in any direction
  • Suitable for large gaps in the structure

Internal Floor Joints

Internal floor joints for movements < 320 mm

The SDPS internal floor joint is durable and is used in the interior of buildings. It is movable in any direction and can accommodate thermal and seismic movements. Moreover, it is easy to install and lines up precisely.

Wall & Column Joints

Wall & column joints for movements < 50 mm

The SNPG/SNJG joint has a cover plate that is anchored in the substructure. The cover plate is fixed at both ends with a continuous seal. The cover plate is available in different colors.

Roof Joints

Roof joints for movements < 375 mm

The SRFL roof joint is movable in any direction and accommodates thermal and seismic movements. The aluminum cover is suitable for flat and pitched roofs. The joints are passable and designed for ice and snow loads, moreover, they are resistant to UV radiation and humidity. After an earthquake, the cover plate re-centers autonomously to its initial position.

Parking & Landscape Joints

Parking & landscape joints for movements < 85 mm

The Airseal parking lot/landscape joints are made of an EPDM/neoprene tubular profile that is pressurized and glued with epoxy resin. During installation, reliable gluing of profile and structure is ensured by inflating the tube. Airseal is a very long-living, versatile, cost-efficient and watertight system.