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404 Search results

Floating expansion joints for Europe’s largest lift bridge

MAURER develops expansion joints that open and bearings that raise for Rotterdam.

Semi-active dampers respond to various load cases

MAURER develops a unique control system of dampers for the new landmark in Vienna.

Stadsbrug Nijmegen: a beauty with waves and curves

… unit for the expansion joints, edge structures and bridge bearings was the Lünen subsidiary of MAURER AG.

All directional movable expansion joint bears 40 tons

…86 m long und 1.25 m wide MAURER Expansion Joint protects the Triumphal Arch of Bucharest.

Football Stadium Zenit St. Petersburg: Gazprom-Arena

… Architect Kisho Kirokawa, in respect of structural engineering it is a very demanding project. MAURER, an expert company focusing on structural protection systems, designed and delivered a variety of…

Press Releases

… The MarCom Team of MAURER issues press releases on interesting projects or new products in regular intervals in cooperation with in-house product experts.


… expansion joints, tuned mass dampers and seismic devices to protect the structures from damage. MAURER vibration isolation isolates structures against unwanted vibrations from the environment or prevents…

Seismic Devices

… Downloads In the mid 90s, MAURER started protecting structures from seismic damage, and has continuously expanded this field of business ever since. The significance of these products is constantly getting more…

Structural Bearings

… Vibrations, rotations and powerful forces – bridges and superstructures may undergo a turbulent life. MAURER Structural Bearings ensure at any place that these impacts remain as long as possible without…