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57 Search results

Double pendulum with splitted cables

MAURER damps SOCAR Tower in Baku with 450 t mass, viscous dampers and lead rubber bearings.

Stadsbrug Nijmegen: a beauty with waves and curves

… unit for the expansion joints, edge structures and bridge bearings was the Lünen subsidiary of MAURER AG.

Protecting against damages caused by earthquake while leaving the structure accessible

MAURER develops earthquake proof sealing and bridging in the framework of the European research project SILER.


… is a particular challenge with older buildings. With its SIP®-D-type Sliding Isolation Pendulum MSA®, MAURER offers an effective solution that is receiving a huge response. The bearings isolate the building from…

The lift bridge is lifted off its bearings

MAURER equips both the old Kattwyk Bridge and the new Kattwyk rail bridge in Hamburg.

Mexico: Optimum seismic protection for airport terminal

… by means of special sliding pendulum bearings – the largest isolated building in Latin America. MAURER delivered 473 bearings, and besides the optimum design of the seismic protection system, the delivery…

Mexico: Luxury and Family Hotel Stands on 410 Seismic Isolators

… 410 isolators can accommodate horizontal displacements of up to ±500mm. An early involvement of MAURER’s earthquake experts in the structural planning not only protects the structure against…


…り、それにより床版が破壊されることもあります(Tacoma橋)。 スタジアム、床、そして歩道橋における人が誘発する振動が、設計許容値を超える振幅に達することがあります(Millennium Bridge)。 …


…Downloads MAURER振動絶縁装置は、構造物を周辺から望ましくない振動に対して絶縁したり、機械による振動が構造物に侵入するのを防ぎます。どちらの用途でも、構造物または機械は弾性的に支持されます。弾性部材の設計は一方向自由振動モデルシステムに基づいています。 振動絶縁

Applause on the highway for the Mega-MMBS

… 55 hours, 30 Mega-MMBS were installed, each weighing up to 8t. These foldable steel plates from MAURER can move in longitudinal direction and will bridge a 2.5-meter gap, which will emerge across the…