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Juni/20 PRESSEMITTEILUNG 400-Tonnen-Pendel in der Zwiebel Seite 1 von 5 Beton-Stahl-Masseblock dämpft Schwingungen im Baku-Tower. Baku. In Baku, der Hauptstadt Aserbeidschans, ist das höchste
8-ton mass dampers for the tennis elite in Paris
New roof above the center court of Roland Garros must not vibrate.
Paris. At the next Grand Slam in Paris, the top matches will take place without breaks due to rain – thanks to a new retractable
… Domokos. A well-matched combination of large hydraulic dampers (MHDs), sliding isolation pendulums (SIP-S) and shear keys (HKEs) protects the new railroad bridge SG26 in Greece against seismic-induced damages,…