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Key Projects 2024 / Review

MAURER Magazine

Press releases

MAURER's MarCom team regularly prepares press releases on interesting projects or new products in cooperation with our own product experts.

Nachträgliche Bedämpfung ohne Eingriff ins Brückenbauwerk

Photo series on the installation of vibration absorbers at a bike and pedestrian bridge in Brixen/South Tyrol.

Brixen. Small but excellent projects…

Koloss der Karibik mit schwierigen Lastwechseln

MAURER provides all bridge bearings for the Pumarejo cable-stayed bridge in Colombia.

Munich, Barranquilla. The Pumarejo cable-stayed bridge near…

Mexiko: Optimaler Erdbebenschutz für Flughafenterminal

SIP-DR Special Bearings enable isolation from the subsoil and a short construction period of two and a half years.

Kompakter und besser: ETA-20/0028 für die XC1 Dehnfuge

Years of development work for the benefit of road traffic.

Munich. Innovation is quite big a word; however, the improvements are often in many small…

19 MN Horizontalkräfte erfordern senkrecht eingebaute Brückensonderlager

Pelješac Bridge, Croatia: Springs in the bearing core and special materials ensure long service life despite extreme loads through permanent contact…

Erstes erdbebenisoliertes Krankenhaus in Mexiko Stadt

243 isolators from Brazil, Turkey, and Germany protect the Hospital de Tláhuac.

Applaus auf der Autobahn für die Mega-MMBS

Hamburg: Steel plates bridge 2.5-meter gap on the elevated highway K20.

30 Tonnen schwere Lager für die neue Donaubrücke in Bratislava

Spherical bearings accommodate 21,000 tons of vertical and 4,000 tons of horizontal forces.

Geräuschgeminderte Dehnfugen mit spezieller „Unterführung“

New bridge in the city center of Gothenburg requires creativity and cooperation

Rekord-Brücke in Shanghai mit Dehnfugen aus München

Hutong Bridge on the Yangtze requires 36-m-long expansion joints withlongitudinal movements of 1,800 mm.