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Key Projects 2024 / Review

MAURER Magazine

Press releases

MAURER's MarCom team regularly prepares press releases on interesting projects or new products in cooperation with our own product experts.

Bahnbrücke in Montreal

MAURER designs large wall sleepers and unique derailment protection for rail bridge in Montreal.

Ein Katamaran für die längste Hängebrücke der Welt

Innovative MSM® Swivel Joist Expansion Joint for the 1915Çanakkale Bridge over the Çanakkale Strait (Dardanelles)

Erstmals Krankenhaus in Chile mit MSM®-SIP®-Lagern isoliert

Double Sliding Isolation Pendulums protect the Hospital Alto Hospicio against earthquake-induced damage


Sonderlager für die Halfway River Bridge in Kanada

Canada: Fixed spherical bearings can move in the longitudinal direction during the construction phase

Nachträgliche Erdbebensicherung von Viadukt-Pfeilern

Colombia: Horseshoe shape of the Yarumo Blanco Viaduct challenges engineers

Mexiko: Luxus- und Familienhotel steht auf 410 Erdbeben-Isolatoren

Double Sliding Isolation Pendulums reduce construction costs and secure hotel operations on the Pacific coast even during the strongest earthquake…

Hubbrücke wird aus den Lagern gehoben

MAURER equips both the old Kattwyk Bridge and the new Kattwyk rail bridge in Hamburg.

Kompletter Fugentausch an einem Wochenende

Highway bridge Augsburg: modified swivel-joist expansion joint reduces construction site time.

Nachträgliche Bedämpfung ohne Eingriff ins Brückenbauwerk

Photo series on the installation of vibration absorbers at a bike and pedestrian bridge in Brixen/South Tyrol.

Brixen. Small but excellent projects…

Koloss der Karibik mit schwierigen Lastwechseln

MAURER provides all bridge bearings for the Pumarejo cable-stayed bridge in Colombia.

Munich, Barranquilla. The Pumarejo cable-stayed bridge near…